Sobre mí

¡Hola! Soy Melanie

Traductora, transcreadora y copywriter en español

Siempre me ha apasionado todo lo relacionado con crear.

Mi lista de aficiones es larga, aunque se me den más o menos bien: el dibujo, la pintura, el diseño gráfico, la caligrafía, la escritura creativa, la lectura…

Mi futuro parecía ir por el camino de la filología o el periodismo, hasta que mi yo adolescente puso un pie en el extranjero por primera vez durante un viaje de estudios. La independencia y la confianza que gané al ver que podía comunicarme en otra lengua se grabaron en mi memoria mejor que los monumentos y los paisajes que visité. A partir de entonces, los idiomas dejaron de ser simples listas de vocabulario y verbos irregulares en un libro sin emoción.

El mundo acababa de hacerse mucho más grande.

Desde un pequeño rincón de la costa mediterránea, donde disfrutaba escuchando las historias de los veraneantes extranjeros, me mudé a un piso compartido en Granada para estudiar Traducción e Interpretación especializada en inglés. Durante la carrera, tuve la suerte de obtener una beca Erasmus para estudiar en la Universidad Heriot-Watt de Edimburgo, una ciudad que llevaba años soñando con visitar.

Ahora vivo en Algeciras, donde África y Gibraltar asoman a lo lejos cuando paseas por la orilla. Aunque mi trabajo gira en torno a las letras, sigo disfrutando de los ratos de paz que dan la música suave, un té recién hecho y la libertad de las acuarelas sobre el papel.

Un vistazo a mi currículum

  • Grado en Traducción e Interpretación (Universidad de Granada)
  • Máster en Traducción Audiovisual (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • Un año de estancia Erasmus (Universidad Heriot-Watt de Edimburgo)
  • Curso de Tecnologías de la lengua para traductores (Universitat Politècnica de València)
  • Casi una década de experiencia en el sector traduciendo en la combinación inglés > español (España)
  • Experiencia como traductora en plantilla trabajando codo con codo con el departamento de marketing
  • Traductora, transcreadora y copywriter autónoma desde 2019
  • Licencia de SDL Trados Studio 2021
  • Experiencia con memoQ, Smartling, XTM Cloud, SmartCat y Memsource

Sígueme en Instagram...

  • Did your holiday presents hit the mark? Or did they end up on a second-hand platform?  A survey by Milanuncios (a second-hand platform) revealed some interesting stats about how we Spaniards handled presents this year:  🎁 55% bought second-hand presents (especially Gen Z, embracing sustainability)
🎁 40% resell unwanted presents 
🎁 57% opt to return them
🎁 70% exchange them (or “descambian”) for something else in-store
🎁 Clothing and accessories are the most returned items
🎁 Friends and siblings are the most likely to miss the mark when choosing presents  If you’re planning your campaign for the next gift-giving season (Valentine’s Day and Father’s Day are next in Spain), these trends are worth noting. They show how values like sustainability are reshaping consumer habits here. Second-hand gifting doesn’t have to feel “cheap”; it can be just as thoughtful and personal.  What about you? Did you give or receive second-hand gifts this year? How are gifting habits changing where you live?
  • As we wrap up 2024 and look ahead to 2025, I’ve taken a moment today to reflect and (kind of) plan.  At first glance, 2024 felt a bit “meh”. Remember how (almost) every quarter started on a Monday 1st? I was convinced it was a sign I’d crush all my goals. But here we are at the end of the year, and… what do I actually have to show for it?  As I take stock of the year, I’ve realised it’s been fuller than I gave it credit for:  ⛰️ I explored new places locally around Andalucía, including a visit to the Cádiz stadium for my first football match ever!  🎨 As often happens with hobbies, painting took a back seat when work got hectic, but I managed to finish a couple of pieces and really enjoyed seeing my progress in charcoal drawing.  💼 On the business front, it’s been a year of small but meaningful wins. I joined a coworking space, participated in a business incubation programme (and landed 3rd prize!), and visited inspiring spaces like Málaga’s Google offices and Polo Digital.  🚫 Of course, not everything went to plan. My big “renovate the bathroom” goal stalled after hours of staring at tiles. I joined the gym but dropped out after three months. My plants aren’t thriving. And bangs? Let’s just say they’re not for me.  For 2025, my main focus is consistency: showing up for the gym, sticking to a healthier diet, and actually making time for marketing and bringing in new clients. And yes, that bathroom renovation is still on the list!  What about you? Any goals for 2025? Let me know, we probably have a few in common!  (And stay tuned: I’ve been working on something exciting to kick-start the new year, and I can’t wait to share it with you.)
  • December is here (seriously, where did the year go?), and with the holidays just around the corner, it’s the perfect moment to share my availability for the festive season. 🎄  As you can see on the calendar, I’ll be off on the red-marked bank holidays, and working reduced hours (from 9:00 to 14:00 CET) between Christmas and Día de Reyes. While I’ll be out of the office in the afternoons, I’ll still keep an eye on my inbox, so feel free to reach out if you need anything urgent!  I’ll be back to my regular schedule on Tuesday 7th January, ready to kick off 2025.  Now, here’s a festive question for you: in Spain, we love using the Constitution long weekend at the beginning of December to put up Christmas decorations. What about you? When do you start decorating for the holidays? 🎅✨
  • Leave it to Cádiz and their famous "guasa gaditana" to turn something as mundane as a traffic sign into something viral and fun!  You’ve probably heard about “Kiss & Go” zones near school entrances—quick stops for parents to let their kids hop in or out of the car. The concept has reached Spain, and La Línea de la Concepción (right across from Gibraltar) was one of the latest towns to adopt it.  But locals weren’t thrilled about the anglicism. (Side note: we Spaniards aren’t fans—why use English when we have such rich expressions?) After numerous complaints, the town hall swapped the signs for something with way more personality:  BESITO Y A JUÍ
(An Andalusian twist on “a huir” (to flee), meaning “off you go—quickly!”)  It’s not just Cádiz being quirky—it’s proof that when you use the right language (and add some humour), people pay attention. Whether it’s a traffic sign or a marketing campaign, the same rule applies: speak to people in a way that feels real.  📸 @LaLigaenDirecto on Twitter/X  #meltranslates #localisation
  • Hello everyone! 👋 While many are diving headfirst into September routines, I’m hitting pause for a little holiday escape! For me, September is the perfect time to unwind— the heat's finally easing, the crowds are thinning, and I get to explore new places without melting in the process.  I'll be out of the office from 23rd September to 4th October. So if you're looking for me, I'll be visiting new places, heading home to see my family, and staying far away from my laptop instead of breaking in a new planner.  But don’t worry, I’ll be back with my batteries recharged on Monday 7th October at 9:00 CET, ready to face my own personal "back to school" moment.  See you soon!
  • 🌍 Did you know that some of the world’s most iconic brands go by different names in Spain?  When brands go local, they don’t just translate—they adapt, reimagine, and sometimes even rename themselves to fit seamlessly into the local culture. These changes aren’t just about sounding different—they’re about truly connecting with the Spanish market in a way that feels familiar and authentic.  Curious to see how some of the world’s biggest brands have gone local in Spain? Swipe through to find out! 😉

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